Ingberdeveloped for high C steels with Ms in the range of 0-50°C |
steel research int. 2100576 (2021) |
Payson & Savage developed for low alloy steels with low Cr content |
Trans. Am. Soc. Met. 33 (1944) 261-280 |
Kung & Rayment (mod. P&S)modification of the Payson & Savage approximation by adding influence of Co |
Metall. Trans. A13 (1982) 328-331 |
Rowland & Lyledeveloped for low alloy steels with low Cr content |
Trans. Am. Soc. Met. 37 (1946) 27-47 |
Kung & Rayment (mod. R&L)modification of the Rowland & Lyle approximation by adding influence of Co |
Metall. Trans. A13 (1982) 328-331 |
Grange & Stewartdeveloped for low alloy steels with low Cr content |
Trans. AIME 167 (1946) 467-490 |
Kung & Rayment (mod. G&S)modification of the Grange & Stewart approximation by adding influence of Co |
Metall. Trans. A13 (1982) 328-331 |
Nehrenbergdeveloped for low alloy steels with low Cr content |
Trans. AIME 167 (1946) 494-498 |
Kung & Rayment (mod. Nehr.)modification of the Nehrenberg approximation by adding influence of Co |
Metall. Trans. A13 (1982) 328-331 |
Steven & Haynesdeveloped for low alloy steels with 0.1 - 0.55% C | 0.2 - 1.67% Mn | 0.1 - 1.7% Si | < 5% Ni | < 3.3% Cr | < 1% Mo |
J. Iron Steel Inst. 183 (1956) 349 |
Kung & Rayment (mod. St&H)modification of the Steven & Haynes approximation by adding influence of Si and Co |
Metall. Trans. A13 (1982) 328-331 |
Andrews (linear)developed for steels with 0.1-0.6% C | < 5% Mn, Cr, Ni | < 2% Si | < 5.4% Mo |
J. Iron Steel Inst. 203 (1965) 721 |
Kung & Rayment (mod. A-lin)modification of the Andrews (lin.) approximation by adding influence of Si and Co |
Metall. Trans. A13 (1982) 328-331 |
Andrews (non-linear)developed for steels with 0.1-0.6% C | < 5% Mn, Cr, Ni | < 2% Si | < 5.4% Mo |
J. Iron Steel Inst. 203 (1965) 721 |
Kung & Rayment (mod. A-nl)modification of the Andrews (non-linear) approximation by adding influence of Si and Co |
Metall. Trans. A13 (1982) 328-331 |
Tamurain Japanese; according to Hojo et al. Metals (10) 2020, 6 developed for medium C low alloy martensitic steels. |
Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun Ltd. 40 (1970) |
Ishidathermodynamically calculated, no restrictions with regard to the alloy content |
J. Alloys Compd. 220 (1995) 126-131 |
Sverdlin & Nessfor steels containing 0.2–0.8% C; equation without consideration of interactions between the elements |
Chapter 4 in: Steel Heat Treatment Handbook. G. E. Totten, 1997, 166-211 |
Wang (linear)developed for steels with 0.2-0.5% C | 0.5-2.0% Si, Mn, Cr | 0.1-0.7% Mo using ANN; equation without consideration of interactions between the elements |
Mater. Trans., JIM 41 (2000) 761-768 |
Wang (non-linear)developed for steels with 0.2-0.5% C | 0.5-2.0% Si, Mn, Cr | 0.1-0.7% Mo using ANN; equation takes the interactions between the elements into account |
Mater. Trans., JIM 41 (2000) 761-768 |
Kunitakedeveloped for low alloy steels with 0.13-0.73% C | < 2% Mn | < 1.6% Si | < 2% Cr| < 5% Ni | <0.5% Mo |
J. Jap. Soc. for Heat Treatment 41 (2001) 164-169 |
van Bohemendeveloped for low alloy steels with a C content between 0.1 - 1.9 wt.-% |
Mater. Sci. Technol. 28 (2012) 487-495 |
Trzaskadeveloped for steels with 0.06% < C < 0.68% | < 2% Mn | < 1.8% Si | < 2.3% Cr| < 3.85% Ni | < 1.05% Mo | < 0.4% V | < 0.4 Cu |
Arch. Metall. Mater. 61 (2016) 981-986 |
Gramlichdeveloped for medium manganese steels with 0.11% < C < 0.45% | 0.68% < Mn < 9.85% | 0.5% < Si < 1.23 | < 0.5% Al | < 1% Cr |
Results in Materials 8 (2020) 100147 |
Capdeviladeveloped for steels with 0.2-0.8% C | 0.4-3.5% Mn | 0.15-1.7% Si | 0-13% Cr | < 1% Mo using ANN; equation takes the interactions between the elements into account |
ISIJ International 42 (2002) 894-902 |
Mahieudeveloped for CMnAl TRIP-aided steels with < 0.2% C | approx. 1.5% Mn | < 2% Al |
Metall. Mater. Trans. A33 (2002) 2573-2580 |
Lee & Parkdeveloped for steels with 0.1-1% C | 0.17-1.9% Mn | < 0.4% Si | < 2.4%Ni | < 2.3% Cr | < 2% Mo and grain sizes between 7 - 255 µm |
Metall. Mater. Trans. A44 (2013) 3423-3427 |
Mikuła & Wojnardeveloped for HSLA steels |
Application of anlytical methods in determining weldability of steels, Edt. Fotobit, Kraków, 1996 |
Kaardeveloped for AHSS (3rd generation) with 0.03-0.96% C | 0.67-9.64% Mn | < 0.01-1.95% Si | < 2.97% Al | < 1.16% Cr | < 0.06% N |
Scr. Mat. 200 (2021) 113923 |
Liudeveloped for pure iron and super-low C contents |
J. Mater. Process. Technol. 113 (2001) 556-562 |
Eichelmann & Hulldeveloped for 18-8 austenitic stainless steels |
Metall. Mater. Trans. A45 (1953) 77 |
Steimno detailed information available; Titel of thesis: "Investigations of the hardening behaviour of maraging steels" |
PhD Thesis, 1970, Universität Karlsruhe |
Pickeringdeveloped for austenitic steels |
Physical Metallurgy and the Design of Steels, Applied Science Publishers, London, 1978 |
Kulmburgdeveloped for Cr content between 12 - 14 wt.-% |
BHM 124 (1979) 400 |
Daideveloped for cryogenic austenitic steels |
Mater. Charact. 52 (2004) 349-354 |
Monmano detailed information available |
Tekko-zairyo-gaku, Chapter 'Martensite', 1972 |
Eldisno detailed information available |
Proc. of the Symp. on the Hardenability Concepts with Application to Steel, 1977 |